Our delivery routes
We only have so much time to get your food delivered (cold items warm up and the days are short!) so we have multiple delivery routes that we serve on different weeks. If you're a new customer and not sure when you should order (because you haven't received a specific order invitation), please reference the maps below and associated information to make sure you order at the correct time. Please note that the routes are not address-specific for the privacy of our customers - the maps below are approximations so you can determine which delivery area you might fit into. Also, all aspects of a route are subject to temporary or permanent change, including dates, timing, direction, etc. Thanks!
Route A
This is the first long route of each month, and orders are usually delivered on the first Friday or Saturday of the month. To get the orders processed in time, they are due no later than 10 a.m. on Tuesday of the week before.. The route starts in the bottom-left corner and is driven in the clockwise direction - the northerly part first.
Route P
To be fair, this technically isn't a route, as P stands for "Pickup", but we group together our customers who pick up their orders and refer to them as Route P. We send order invitations to our pickup customers the same week as our Route A invitations, so they can generally expect to have their orders ready to be picked up at our Vrooman Hill Road warehouse on the first Friday or Saturday of each month. (See the "Route C" map below for a general idea of where our warehouse is, or visit our About page for an interactive map and specific address.
Route C
This route is usually delivered two weeks after Route A, so if you live on this route, make sure you order with the second IPL of the month, not the first, as available items often change from one to the next. This route is delivered in a clockwise rotation, starting from our order pickup location.